吃掉地球的鯊魚※紓壓的遊戲※Tasty Blue

Eateverythingintheocean!Youplayasatinygoldfishwithaninsatiableappetite.Afterbeingoverfedbyyourowner,youescapeintotheoceanandbegin ...,Eateverythingintheocean!Youplayasatinygoldfishwithaninsatiableappetite.Afterbeingoverfedbyyourowner,youescapeint...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Tasty Blue」

Eat everything in the ocean! You play as a tiny goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, you escape into the ocean and begin ...

Tasty Blue on the App Store

Eat everything in the ocean! You play as a tiny goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, you escape into the ocean and begin ...

Tasty Blue

在藍美味,你將扮演與貪得無厭一個微小的金魚。通過你的老闆被營養過剩後,逃進大海,開始吃,你遇到的一切。你吃的越多,越大你拿! 除了金魚,你還可以扮演一個飢餓 ...

Tasty Blue

Tasty Blue is an underwater side-scrolling eat 'em up game. You start as a small goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, ...

在Steam 購買Tasty Blue 即可省下20%

Tasty Blue is an underwater side-scrolling eat 'em up game. You start as a small goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, ...

Tasty Blue Official Site

Play as a small goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, escape into the ocean and eat everything that you encounter. The more ...

在電腦上下載Tasty Blue

2022年10月24日 — Android 模擬器上的Tasty Blue for PC 將讓您在Windows 計算機上獲得更激動人心的移動體驗。 讓我們玩Tasty Blue,享受歡樂時光。


Eateverythingintheocean!Youplayasatinygoldfishwithaninsatiableappetite.Afterbeingoverfedbyyourowner,youescapeintotheoceanandbegin ...,Eateverythingintheocean!Youplayasatinygoldfishwithaninsatiableappetite.Afterbeingoverfedbyyourowner,youescapeintotheoceanandbegin ...,在藍美味,你將扮演與貪得無厭一個微小的金魚。通過你的老闆被營養過剩後,逃進大海,開始吃,你遇到的一切。你吃的越多,越大你拿!除了...


